Thursday, 5 December 2013

5th December.

It is very chilly this morning. And windy, there are leaves flying all over the place! At least the wind should make the whirly thing that  makes the lights work go round. It is starting to get a bit gloomy in the stables. Simon says it has been too gloomy for the solar thing and too still for the whirly thing ( this isn't what he actually said, but this is the less technical edited version).

We do need the lights now. It is  dark a lot! Breakfast and tea time are getting closer and closer together. which would be fine, except that tea time and breakfast are getting further apart........

Monday, 25 November 2013

25th November.

It is a bit grey this morning but the weather man is promising a dryish week. That's good enough.

I need a haircut. Apparently. I have got very woolly. That'll be the cold weathers fault then.

I had a good trot out yesterday, and saw lots of fairly appalling driving of cars!  Patience is required people! Apart from that I enjoyed myself.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

21st November

It is quite gloomy today. Less windy than yesterday though. The threat of snow was just that, no snow made it this far south for now. But it is very wet under hoof..........and face/ears/neck when I succumb to the temptation to have a good roll!

Still it is November so the weather is what we expect. As is the dark. Only 4 weeks to the shortest day though, and then it will start getting lighter again!

On a more positive note...the grass is still growing a bit!

Friday, 15 November 2013

15th November

It is cold today. But sunny.

I am surprisingly free of mud. I may need to remedy this during the  day, it is Saturday tomorrow and Simon might be disappointed if there isn't a layer or two mud to brush off!

The weather forecast suggests that sleet might be on the way rather than snow. Better but not good.........

Thursday, 14 November 2013

14th November

It is sunny but colder. I think it might get colder still. The sort of weather that is white and begins with S- has been mentioned. I hope not it is a bit early in the winter for this. Any amount of white stuff is not good for the grass that has to last through the winter.

I have new shoes. Andy was here for some time to get everyone done. I thought we may have to put some straw down in a stable for him to sleep on. But he did get to go home eventually!

It is Prince Charles birthday today. I don't think this is an occasion that means the Queens horses have a trot out with their cart though. Still, Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

13th November.

The sun is out, the sky is blue, there's not a cloud to spoil the view!

We are not out. The vee eee tee is coming to stick needles in Silver and Max, and then Andy is coming to sort everyone's feet out. So we all have stay clean.

Still, new shoes! And I am first for feet so I may be allowed out in my field afterwards....

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

12th November.

Simon appears to have been playing a very large game of snakes and ladders. He says not though. The snakes weren't snakes at all. They were water pipes. This is a good thing as they would have been enormous snakes! The ladders were ladders though.

Anyway, whatever he was doing, he is not doing it today so he is typing!

It is a bit wet in our fields now! It has rained A LOT. Not all the time, there has been some sunshine too but not enough to dry the ground. We have to have our feet hosed off before bed most days. Pheonix has had to have her rug hosed off once or twice too....even I'm not quite that fact yesterday I managed a whole day without rolling in the mud at all.

I probably will have by the time you read this though!

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

29th October.

The wind has stopped blowing!

It was not so bad here, nothing fell over or blew away. Everything had been tied down, taken down or put away at the farm as a precaution. Including me, and the guinea pigs! Put away, not tied down obviously.

It is now dark at tea time. We have to go in our stables at night at the moment because bonfire night is getting closer and some persons will be indulging in fire works. They don't bother me much but the others don't really like them.

I have something called BEDSOFT to sleep on. You can't eat it. I had some last year but Simon said I would have to have straw this year because it was a bit expensive. However you can eat straw. So I did. I ate quite a Simon decided BEDSOFT was probably cheaper after all......

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

23rd October.

It rained a lot last night. And thundered, and there was lightning. We were all in our stables. The fields are a bit squelchy this morning, but the sun is shining now.

I think the Queen's horses might be having a trot out in their cart today! I wonder if they have been rolling in the mud too....could be a long job getting them clean if they have!  They will enjoy their outing I'm sure, I hope it doesn't rain on them. Or will the Queen just travel by car? might be a bit windy for her hat!

Monday, 21 October 2013

21st October.

It is raining. I am very wet. I did spend the night in my stable though. And my rug did spend the night somewhere that made it dry, but it is et again now! I think it may be a wet week too.

The weekend wasn't all bad weatherwise though. I had a haircut on Saturday and then went for a good long trot out with the cart. This was followed by a bath, with shampoo and a lot of scrubbing. The state of cleanliness was a bit temporary though!

The clocks apparently "go back " next weekend. I have got a clock so it doesn't really matter....though Simon says this means I will be able to see my breakfast for a few weeks. If it keeps raining it won't matter, I have my breakfast in my stable where there is a light!!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

17th October

I had a visit from Tim the Vee Eee Tee yesterday. Only to have my teeth done. This is a bit undignified. Painless but undignified...worse than having to stand with one foot in the air for Andy. Still it could have been worse..... he didn't stick any needles in to me. Others were less lucky!

It is not raining today. Which is nice. It was a bit wild yesterday. It got better as the day went on though and I didn't have to go in my stable last night. Everyone else their own obviously not mine.....that would have been a bit of a squeeze..

I will go now and top up the layer of mud on my face!

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

15th October

It didn't last.....I am very muddy now. It is in my ears, in my eyes, up my nose and there is a line where my rug goes and then I am clean! Simon was less surprised by this than the unusually clean state of affairs yesterday.

It has stopped raining now and is quite bright, but a bit chilly!

I might well have another roll in the mud today.

Monday, 14 October 2013

14th October.

It is raining! It has been doing it since Saturday night. We have all had to go in our stables at night. Which is nice enough. It makes a change.

I did get out for a trot on Saturday before the rain came though. Not down Mill Street. the big holes are gone, but the fun fair was in the market place.

Because it has rained, there is mud. Yesterday I spent all day NOT rolling in it. Really not, not the usual "not". Simon was a bit surprised!

Thursday, 10 October 2013

10th October

It is definately colder this morning! It is sunny now though and the clear sky meant is was less dark at breakfast time too. Neither Simon nor my breakfast got lost today!

Leaves are falling off the trees now too. I did ask Simon if sweeping up the leaves in my field was a possibility...he said he would get me broom!

Overseas readers please note.....there is now a "Translate" button at the foot of this page. This is good because it will save me learning lots of languages!!!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

9th October

It was REALLY dark this morning. It was so dark tha tSimon got lost. He fed Summer and Phoenix and then set off in the wrong direction with my breakfast. This was worrying. He did realise he was going the wrong way otherwise my breakfast couild have ended up anywhere!

It is a little cooler and the weather man says it is going to get much colder. Like-winter colder. Bbbbrrrrr.

Monday, 7 October 2013

7th October

It is very autumnal. At breakfast time it was very dark, I was still asleep, the tawney owls were towit-too-wooing, the barn owl was squeaking and there was mist in the tops of the lime trees. Then just as it got "light" there was mist everywhere! It has cleared now though. It is quite sunny!

All that said, the leaves are not only still on the trees but quite green still.

I will go now and eat grass and make the most of not having to look for it under leaves........

Friday, 4 October 2013

4th October

It didn't rain as much last night as we all thought. Still, we all had a nice night in our stables anyway.  It not raining much does mean there is not  much in the way of mud. Which I had sort of been looking forward to  rolling in! Perhaps It could rain in one corner of my field...just to make a little bit of mud...but not every where....that would keep everyone happy!

The weekend is approaching so I am looking forward a trot out in the cart with my new shoes. Some persons have dug holes in Mill Street so we won't be able to go up or down there!

Thursday, 3 October 2013

3rd October

It is once again a bit grey and gloomy. And I think we are going to get a bit wet later...maybe we will go in our stables...

Andy came yesterday with new shoes for me and for Max. Max found this all quite exciting! I am sure the novelty will wear off.

Simon has tidied up the yard with the strimmer....well....actually he UNTIDIED the yard with the strimmer because there were bits of nettle, dock and grass everywhere when he had finished. THEN he tidied up the yard with a brooooom ( maybe too many o's). He'll learn.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

1st October

Ha ha! 2 days running! No one will have been expecting this.....

It is a bit gloomy but dry. It is definately Autumn now. In spite of this, and a dryish summer, the leaves are doing a good job of sticking to the trees! It won't be long before we have to look for the grass under them I think.

Silver and Max have their pictures in what Simon calls "Rogues Gallery". I don't know what a rogue is, it doesn't sound like a compliment, but then I'm not it it so I don't mind!!!

Monday, 30 September 2013

30th September

I AM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven't actually been anywhere, well not anywhere unusual at least, but I mean my musings are back. Simon has been struggling to get the musings typed up, and then got distracted by making it all look different which got in the way for a bit. Anyway I like the new look, though it is only a look, in that it looks like grass but doesn't taste like grass! (luckily computers are wipe-clean).

There are some new faces at the farm since Bubbles departure. Ed the tall horse didn't stay long, and now Max has come to join us. Max looks a bit like Silver only much bigger. This can be confusing in a "Is that Silver, very close, or Max, far away?" kind of way. I will get Simon to add their pictures to "My Friends, and make sure he labels them!

See you tomorrow!

Monday, 5 August 2013

5th August.

Sunshine and showers again today! This is most agreeable weather...warm enough....and wet enough to stick the dust together. And I think we all know what you can do with dust that is stuck together...yes....ROLL IN IT! So I have been....quite a lot. I had a extra bath on Friday ready for the weekend and was briefly very clean, but I managed to be black all over again before Simon was ready for a trot out in the cart. Which meant a hose down before going out! I had a good trot round though so it was worth it!

Friday, 26 July 2013

26th July.

There have been a few problems this week with getting onto the thing Simon calls the "Web". It is working at the moment though. If is going to keep breaking I may have to catch one of the spiders that live in my stable, this will be a big help I am sure!

All of the hay is safely cut, dry, squashed into bales and stacked in the barn under a cover. And all before the heavy showers came.

Rain made all the dust I have rolled vigorously in it. As a result I am very very dirty. However it is Saturday tomorrow so  don't think it will last......I might get a bath. Last week I had to have one before I went out for a trot....Simon said I was too scruffy to be seen with in public! I have a feeling it might be a 2 bath situation again this week!

Friday, 19 July 2013

19th July

It is quite hot already. I am mostly sleeping in the shade. And drinking plenty of water.

The grass is cut for hay. Stuart did this yesterday with a big green tractor. Next he will come and turn it over and throw it about, maybe twice! Then he will come with more big machinery to pick it up, squash it into blocks and tie it up. Simon will then stack it in the barn. BUT then in the winter they hay comes out again, gets untied are shaken loose in the field for us to eat. A lot of work to ultimately put the grass back where it came from! However I am glad that they take the trouble otherwise we would be a bit hungry in the winter!

Oh... and to get the big machinery in Simon says we may need to pull up a couple of fence posts......I am the one for that job! Though Simon has said that he wants to be able to put them back in.....not usually possible after I have removed them apparently! (How many has he broken this year with farm machinery? More than I have playing with them I think!)

But anyway, to all persons making hay whilst the sun shines. THANKYOU from all of us horses!

Thursday, 11 July 2013

11th July

It is cooler this morning. But going to get warmer.

Ed went out in the trailer last night and came back quite late. I don't go in the trailer...I only go to places I can trot to.

The hay looks like it might be ready to cut. If the weather stays like this we might see Stuart soon with all his tractors and bits of machine to make the bales of hay! Simon won't be looking forward to stacking it though!

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

10th July

Once again the sun is shining.

I have had a good roll in the dust. The effects of this are less spectacular than a roll in mud, but it is pleasant all the same! And if I do this enough today I may get a cold hose down again this afternoon...that would be nice!

In the meantime I have shade, water and a daft thing to keep the flies out of my eyes and the sun off the pink bit on my I have all I need! Sleep time I think.........

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

9th July

It is hot and sunny again.

Last night Simon hosed me down with cold water which was very nice...(though I am rather hoping for a walk down to the ford on Locks Lane for a paddle one evening whilst it is hot!)....I also had my mane shampooed and conditioned with pomegranate I was not sure what a pomegranate was but apparantly it is something you can why do you rub it on your hair? That said it has made my mane (which is very very short at the moment) very soft!

Monday, 8 July 2013

8th July

It is hot and sunny! It was very hot yesterday. I had a nice trot out in the cart with Simon on Saturday...but it was too hot yesterday to go anywhere. I have moved into a field with lots of shade though so I can get out of the hot sun if I want too.

It would appear though that it is not summer everywhere. It is winter in Australia! (Good morning Bridie!) So,,, not only is it night there when it is day is winter there when it is summer confusing.

I have not been in my stable for a while, but I have moved stables. Ed is going to have my stable because he can see over the door better than I can, and I am going to have the stable that Bubbles had. Bubbles is very happy in Letcombe Regis and has some new friends too.

Well....I must go and have a sleep in the sun before it gets too hot

Friday, 5 July 2013

5th July

I escaped this morning. Not from the farm....just from the paddock I was in. I could have done this at any time during the night but chose to do it as Simon was walking past to get my breakfast. Just to make sure he would notice. I am in a different field now. I don't think Simon was that impressed by the condition of the fence around the field that I escaped from though. If I had fingers and thumbs, I could offer to mend it.....but then if I had, I could have let myself out how Simon does it and not broken anything in the first place.

Bubbles is staying in Letcombe Regis now, and not coming back. She has decided that Richard and Tara will make good tame persons and so she is going to adopt them. Funnily enough I lodged briefly in the same field for a few weeks  once....and I think I let myself out of that one too!

Anyway it is sunny and warm today and looks like it will be for the weekend too, so enjoy it wherever you are whatever you are doing. I am going to have a bit of a sleep..........

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

3rd July.

It is a bit grey today! Simon seems to be over the worst of his sneezing, which is good.

A new horse has come to live with us. He is called Ed, he is black and white AND brown, and he is very tall! Bubbles on the other hand will be moving out, she is going to visit someone today to see if they get on together!

I have had a message from Bridie in Australia. I don't know exactly where Australia is....Simon says it is too far to trot there so I obviously haven't been. So Good Morning...or Good Evening to you Bridie (Simon says it is night time there at the moment.....I don't think I'll even try to understand that!). No I think Good would get up in the middle of the night to read my musings!

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

18th June

It is dull and a bit gloomy. but not raining.

The grass is making Simon sneeze today. he says it is hay fever...this is not right though...hay is grass that is cut and dry...that doesn't make him sneeze! He has grass fever! Luckily I don't get it . Still my sympathy if you too have Grass Fever!

Monday, 17 June 2013

17th June.

It rained last night. I was outside so I got quite wet. It is not raining now though and I am drying slowly.

Th Queen's husband is out of the Person Vets this morning. This is good news.....his horses will be pleased to see him I'm sure. He may not quite be ready for a trot out in the cart though.

The Queen's horses seem to have been quite busy over the weekend giving rides to men wearing strange hats. I don't think I would want to do that!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

13th June

Simon thought it was going to rain last night so we all came in and spent the night in our stables. It didn't rain. Never mind.

It is quite blowy today which will stop the biting flies flying....if they aren't flying....are they still flies?....if not, what are they?

I have new shoes but will have to wait until the weekend to try them out.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

12th June

Two days running!

Its damp and gloomy first thing but now the sun is trying to shine.

There is a fence post missing at the edge of my paddock and Simon Has put a temporary plastic on least he had.....I have just pulled it up! I may need to work out how to put it back in before he notices. No....that won't work....he knows now....I've just told him and he has typed it. Ooops.

Andy is coming today with new shoes for Bubbles and me. How exciting!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

11th June.

I am back! (Actually....I haven't been anywhere, apart from out for trot round in the cart.....but Simon seems to have been too busy to type musings.)

Noraml service is restored. (including typing mistakes obviously!).

A belated Happy Birthday to the Queens husband who unfortunatley had to spend his  birthday at the (person) vets. I hope his horses went to visit him, though Simon says he thinks this is unlikely. Still no doubt he and they will be looking forward to getting out for a trot around soon!

It is a bit grey this morning but it has stopped raining now which is nice and the rain did stick the dust down briefly. I have been quite busy running up and and down since breakfast time.....but I have finished doing that now and I am having a lie down.

I expect the Queens husband is doing the same...Get Well Soon!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

16th May.

Today will either be sunny or wet I think. No middle ground. One thing or the other. I could be a weather doesn't seem that hard. Simon has told me you can tell a lot by looking at the clouds. If you can see an anvil...there is a storm coming. If you can see mares tails......this isn't going to work.....I can always see mares tails...unless the mares are facing me! We'll stick with the BBC I think.

Monday, 13 May 2013

13th May.

The sun is shining this morning, which is nice, Sunday afternoon was a bit wet and gloomy. We did manage to go out for a trot on the morning though when the sun was shining which was very nice.

Some of our paddocks now look very yellow with buttercups. The buttercups turn your feet yellow when you walk through them, yellow feet is not a look that suits me really!

Friday, 10 May 2013

10th May

It is nearly the weekend again. It has come around quickly this week because there were less days at work!

It is a bit grey this morning, but we were at least all in our stables last night whilst it was wild, wet and windy. Still, the rain makes the grass grow and there are no biting midges today so no need for fly sheets and masks which is nice.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

9th May.

The sun was shining this morning at breakfast time and now it is a bit cloudy. But windy so it might not rain!

I have new shoes.

There are a lot of buttercups in the fields now. They look nice but you can't eat them....well you could....but they don't taste very nice.

Some of the Queen's horses had a trot out in their cart yesterday. They took the Queen to Parliament. I haven't been there in my cart. I have been to the Garden Centre and I have been to Sainsburys which is probably as good.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

8th May.

The sunshine has gone. It is a bit grey and damp, but not really cold. There are less biting flies though which is nice.

Andy is coming today with new shoes for me and Bubbles, four for me and two for Bubbles who only has them on her front feet. How exciting!

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

7th May.

What a lovely weekend!

Simon had finally mended ALL the holes in the tyre on the cart and we could go out! We had tow excellent trots out. Yesterday we went out through both Letcombes and around to Childrey, this is quite a long way and uses up quite a bit of shoes! I presume Andy must be coming this week with new ones, otherwise we wouldn't have gone so far.

I had a bath afterwards, and a wash with shampoo...Sainsburys expense spared!

The sun is shining again and Simon is at work so I shall spend the day eating grass and sleeping in the sun. Tomorrow I think it may rain, but this will keep the grass growing!

Friday, 26 April 2013

26th April.

A special  "Goeie môre" to readers in South Africa (I am a multilingual horse!).

The weather is settling down to be seasonally unsettled. But this is good. Sunshine and showers are what we expect in April. The grass is growing, looks greener and tastes much better! The rain over night has made the dust just sticky enough to stick when you roll in it too. So all is well.

Except that I don't think Simon has mended the puncture yet....come on...get on with it!

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

24th April

Spring does seem to have sprung. This could be may be unsprung again at the weekend...we'll see....

For now though it is warm and it is fly sheets all round, it might be a bit too soon to put away th big heavy rugs!

We have a puncture in the is the first one for years.....fix before the weekend Simon.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

17th April

It is a bit gloomy this morning. But it was a bit gloomy some of the time yesterday. Most of yesterday was quite pleasant there is hope for today. It is definitely warmer and this means lighter rugs or no rugs at all which is nice after having big heavy ones on so much over the (loooong) winter!

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

16th April.

It is a bit showery this morning, but this is April weather, so nobody minds. Sunshine and showers is good grass growing weather too. Though not so good for people, who seem to prefer to mow the grass rather than eat it. Quite eccentric behaviour.

There are quite a few readers of  my Musings in Russia....I don't really know where this is.....too far away to get to with the cart I think, but доброе утро ( and ржание) to you all!

Monday, 15 April 2013

15th April.

The sun is shining today. The grass is growing is greener and tastes much better! Simon says the sap  is rising in the trees too......but I don't eat trees so I can't confirm this.

I had a good trot out in the cart yesterday, it was most enjoyable! However something needs to be done about the state of the roads in Wantage...there are so many potholes that we can't trot straight down many roads! We have to wiggle in and out between all the holes......some of them look quite deep...I wouldn't want to fall in!

Friday, 12 April 2013

12th April.

The weather today is at least April-like. The sun is shining and it is raining, often at the same time. The fields are now a bit muddy again, having gone seamlessly from frozen to dusty. The weather is a bit odd...but it is nice to see a little bit of mud. Not that I am looking at it much....rolling in it is a far better use of it. Simon may not agree.

Friday, 5 April 2013

5th April.

It is sunny this morning. The wind is still cold though!

I had a visit from the vee eee tee yesterday, to stick a needle in me. Not pleasent.

The weekend is nearly here already, I am ready for a trot out in the cart!

4th April.

It is snowing again this afternoon and the wind is very, very cold. This is not the weather for making the grass grow. Simon has harrowed and rolled the paddocks we have used over the winter. In less than 2 weeks they have gone from hock (ankle) deep in mud to dry and dusty!

Thursday, 28 March 2013

28th March

It is still a bit chilly but the sun is shining today. The ground is frozen hard though and the grass is still not growing. We have plenty of hay, but spring grass would be nicer!

I am hoping to get some nice trips out over the Easter holiday...if it doesn't snow again...three weekends in row would be a bit much!

Friday, 22 March 2013

22nd March

It is grey and gloomy A-GAIN!

The fields are now so wet that we could not go out this morning. We have gone out now but only in the yard. It is at least not really raining......but it is trying.

It might snow tomorrow. That would be 2 Saturdays in a row! Snow is no good for going out with the cart. Simon might need to build a sleigh if this continues.

Easter may look more like Christmas!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

21st March

The sun is shining. At the moment.

The mud is muddy.

I am muddy too.

I will make the most of the sunshine because I think rain/sleet/snow might be on it's way again.

I don't need to make the most of the mud though, I think that is here for a while yet.....

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

19th March.

It is a bit grey and gloomy today, but not snowing. sleeting, hailing or raining, which is good.  It is very muddy under hoof now, and in fact also under ears, face, neck and rug when you have a roll around! No wait....after you have rolled in the mud it is actually muddy over ears, face, neck and rug too..... Simon may not be impressed by this but I enjoyed it.

Monday, 18 March 2013

18th March.

It snowed yesterday. Which we were not expecting. So I did not get out for a trot with the cart, we had been out on Saturday though, which was good.  The snow, whilst not good for going out on the roads, is good for playing in and rolling I made full use of it. Some of it melted in the afternoon but then it froze so we still have a bit.

And there we were thinking spring had sprung...........

Friday, 15 March 2013

15th March

Yesterday was a lovely day.....lots of sunshine.

Today it is much less cold, there was no ice on the water troughs this morning. I am hoping it will stay dry and mild for the weekend so that I can get out with Simon in the cart at least once.

It apparently only 2 weeks now until the clocks go forward an hour and confuse breakfast time and tea time again. I am not even going to try to understand it this time!

Thursday, 14 March 2013

14th March.

It was cold. and now it isn't! The sun is shining. It is warm enough for 1 rug for those with haircuts and no rugs for those without.

We are all sleeping in the sun...well... all except me ...I am not yet obviously...I am busy. But I will be in a minute.


Monday, 11 March 2013

11th March

It is very very cold. This time last week it looked like spring had sprung. and now it doesn't. It kept trying to snow succeeded in some places...luckily not here. So we are back to ice on the water troughs and mud as hard as concrete for most of the week I think.

I have moved stables and I am now facing the other way. It is very nice, but there is a step down into it which is making me look shorter than I am (.....the other stable had a step up into it which made me look taller than I am). I also have a new sort of bedding instead of looks like you should be able to eat it...but you can' doesn't taste nice at all. Apart from that it is warm, soft and not at all perfect as a bed if not as a snack!

Friday, 1 March 2013

1st March

It is the first day of March and we have the other sort of weather! It is grey, damp and gloomy but not so cold.

The weekend is on it's way and I think I am moving to a different stable tomorrow, I will be facing the other way and have a much better view!

Thursday, 28 February 2013

28th February.

It is the last day of February and very chilly. Frost on the ground and ice on the water troughs chilly! 2 rugs chilly too........ Simon is expecting it to warm up a bit though as I have the stretchy hood thing on as well. This doesn't stop me getting mud in my ears though!!!

Andy came yesterday with new shoes for me and for Bubbles.

Monday, 25 February 2013

25th February.

It is almost the end of February. It is apparently not a leap year so there is no 29th. No 30th or 31st either, but there never is. This is all a bit strange I think.

It is quite cold again. I am wearing 2 rugs and a stretchy hood thing. This combination is making the top rug slip forward when I put my head down to eat...which makes me look as if I have no ears. Question...What do you call horses with no ears? Answer...Anything you like because they can't hear you!

Friday, 22 February 2013

22nd February

It is REALLY cold today! It might have been a 2 rug day, but I have only got 1 on. I have also got on a stretchy hood to keep my head clean.....but the mud is frozen as hard as I think Simon could have saved 5 minutes by not putting it on.....or used the 5 minutes putting another rug on. Never mind I have some nice hay and I can keep moving about.

It is definitely lighter at breakfast time...I can see my breakfast now!

Monday, 18 February 2013

18th February

The sun is shining! It is cold but we can live with that. It is also getting lighter at breakfast time, which is nice.

I have been busy over the weekend, I have been out in the cart with Simon twice. I was out when Jessica came to see me unfortunately, so sorry I missed you Jessica!

Friday, 8 February 2013

8th February

It is cold, frosty and sunny this morning. The hay that had been out in the field all night was frozen and there was ice on all the water troughs. But it is staying light longer now...winter is definitely on its way out, the grass will start growing again soon.

I am in the field behind the workshop today, keeping an eye on Simon, and he is probably keeping an eye on me too!

Thursday, 7 February 2013

7th February.

It is very cold this morning the mud has gone very hard! It is no good for rolling in, on maybe, but not in. I have 2 rugs on today. It is a bit gloomy but if nothing falls out of the sky we'll all be happy!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

6th February

It is gloomy but not raining, sleeting, hailing or snowing. Which is good. I have gone to eat grass in the field behind the barn now....having let myself out of the field Simon put me in first thing this morning. The electric fence is on now...I have tested it with my nose.

This weeks covering of mud is building up nicely!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

5th February

It is VERY chilly today. There is a cold wind blowing. Simon says it is a lazy goes through you instead of around! Summer has 2 rugs on as a precaution......I am only wearing one though...I will have to keep moving.......OR ROLL IN THE MUD! An excellent plan.

I now know that an i-pad is not something worn by people with poorly eyes. It is also called an Apple...but you can't eat it. This is just silly.

Monday, 4 February 2013

4th February.

It is dry! And staying dry and cold all week. This means we can stay outside longer each day.

We have all had a good weekend, and spent the days eating nice grass in the big field behind the barn, which was nice, and much less muddy. I have been out with Simon in the cart twice too.

It being Monday I am not muddy, since Simon has now removed all of last weeks accumulated mud. I must get busy accumulating this weeks mud!

Friday, 1 February 2013

1st February.

It is the first day of February. And it is raining. We have gone out in it anyway. Is is very gloomy and very gloopy!

On the upside lots of you are reading my musings....all over the world and in all sorts of ways. Apparently some of you are reading it with i-pads, which I assume means you are only reading with your good i, so to you all....I hope your poorly i's get well soon so you can take the pads off!

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

31st January

The last day of January. It is very windy....I am taking care not to be blown away. It may dry the mud to a more sticky consistency though which would be nice! Even better for rolling in.........

30th January.

I am quite muddy. I think Simon is pretending he hasn't noticed......he hasn't said anything....probably not impressed. Oh well, it is still very I will get muddier today. Getting me clean enough to drive out could be a challenge by Saturday....I still have 3 days.....the mud could be inches thick on me by then....a job well done I think!

And Good Morning to readers in the Philippines. I don't know where the Philippines is but I am glad you are reading my Musings!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

29th January

It is a bit gloomy but not raining, so we have gone out to play. I may be quite muddy by the time you are reading this. However it is nice to eat grass instead of hay even if it is a bit souplike under hoof!

The Vee Eee Tee came but didn't bring the teeth tools! So teeth have to wait until another day......I was not too disappointed.

Monday, 28 January 2013

28th January.

Not only did I get out with the cart on Saturday, I went again yesterday! Much better than the previous weekends.

Unfortunately the Vee Eee Tee is coming today. Pheonix is hiving needles jabbed in her and I am having my teeth filed. This is a bit undignified and not very pleasent! Still it only happens once a year.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

26th January.

No snow, no rain, no big holes in the I got a trot out in the cart! Excellent!

Friday, 25 January 2013

25th January.

It is still snowy and cold. We have gone out in it today though, with hay and rugs.

We are waiting to see if the thaw really does come tomorrow........either way I think I will be able to get down the drive and out for a trot this week end....hopefully.....

Thursday, 24 January 2013

24th January.

We are bored with snow now! Still no more has fallen and there is more drip dripping off the roof today so it may be on it's way now. It would be nice to be able to get out for a trot with the cart at the weekend since I have not been out for the last 2 weekends and have new shoes now!

I thought I would help Simon tidy my stable this morning....but apparently picking the broom up in your mouth by the bristles and swinging it around isn't helping. It was funny though!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

23rd January.

Not only is it still snowy, it has snowed more and it is still snowing. This is not good. We are all staying in today because it is now a but muddy under the snow because the ground is not frozen anymore. Also Andy is coming today and he probably won't want to shoe wet, muddy, snowy horses!

When the snow melts there is going to be some very wet mud......

22nd January

It is still cold and snowy! I have had a different field to play in today with fresh snow and no foot prints ... well ... there weren't ... there are now obviously. I think Simon may need to go straw shopping at the weekend the straw shed is looking a bit empty now.

The new thing for doing my musings shows how many people read them. There is a lot of you! It is good to know I am not talking to myself.

Monday, 21 January 2013

21st January

It is still cold and snowy. We have all gone out with 2 rugs each. We have plenty of hay because the grass is still hiding under the snow. Simon noticed that rolling in the snow had cleaned all the mud of my today I have a different, muddy, rug on so that I can clean this one too!

Friday, 18 January 2013

18th January

There was not much snow last night.....but it is snowing quite hard now. We are staying in our stables for now, but will probably go out to play when there is more snow!  We could have a snowball fight  but I think you need fingers and thumbs to make snowballs. I will have to settle for digging in it and rolling in it....but  not until a bit more has fallen....

Thursday, 17 January 2013

17th January

It is really cold again! No mud, it is frozen as hard as concrete. No fog either which is good. I am wearing 2 rugs though on account of a short haircut! you may have noticed an improvement in spelling....the new thing Simon is using for my musings has a spelling checker! It's going to very busy with its red lines!!!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

16th January

It cold! Very cold. the mud is frozen so we have all gone out to play! We have hay because the grass is all frozen. We also have freezing fog. Hopefully it will not become frozen fog.....this will probably be a bit frozen water....and a bit hard to walk about in I think.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

15th January.

No snow today. Or frost which was a surprise. No moon either so very very dark this morning.

The snow melting has made the fields very wet so we have had to stay in our stables again! I have neveer known having to spend so many days in a stable in one winter! Roll on spring.

Simon said my stable was untidy this morning. I don't know what he is is full of tidy does he think I can keep it???

Monday, 14 January 2013

14th January.

It has snowed. We have all gone out to play in it! Phoenix got over excited, and was told off! I have rolled in the snow, it is less messy than mud! I have plenty of hay but I am keeping busy looking for the grass, the snow is not that deep so it is not too hard to find. I don't think we will be out too long, our stables are all ready already!

No trot out this weekend because there is a hole and some particularly inconvenient traffic lights at the end of the drive. Shame! I had  a good brush and tidy up though.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

10th January

Good morning to all of you that have found me.....

It is a bit gloomy this morning! It is also much colder. Simon says that the weather man has mentioned snow. we don't like snow. the grass hides underneath it which makes grazing hard work!

It is staying lighter longer in the afternoons now, but not getting lighter earlier in the morning  i can see my tea, but breakfast is still done by nose alone!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

9th January.

I am here! Same old me but in a new place! simon has worked out how to use the new whatever it is that he is using we'll be back in all our glory, well mud in my case at the moment! Keep watching!