Wednesday, 30 January 2013

31st January

The last day of January. It is very windy....I am taking care not to be blown away. It may dry the mud to a more sticky consistency though which would be nice! Even better for rolling in.........

30th January.

I am quite muddy. I think Simon is pretending he hasn't noticed......he hasn't said anything....probably not impressed. Oh well, it is still very I will get muddier today. Getting me clean enough to drive out could be a challenge by Saturday....I still have 3 days.....the mud could be inches thick on me by then....a job well done I think!

And Good Morning to readers in the Philippines. I don't know where the Philippines is but I am glad you are reading my Musings!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

29th January

It is a bit gloomy but not raining, so we have gone out to play. I may be quite muddy by the time you are reading this. However it is nice to eat grass instead of hay even if it is a bit souplike under hoof!

The Vee Eee Tee came but didn't bring the teeth tools! So teeth have to wait until another day......I was not too disappointed.

Monday, 28 January 2013

28th January.

Not only did I get out with the cart on Saturday, I went again yesterday! Much better than the previous weekends.

Unfortunately the Vee Eee Tee is coming today. Pheonix is hiving needles jabbed in her and I am having my teeth filed. This is a bit undignified and not very pleasent! Still it only happens once a year.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

26th January.

No snow, no rain, no big holes in the I got a trot out in the cart! Excellent!

Friday, 25 January 2013

25th January.

It is still snowy and cold. We have gone out in it today though, with hay and rugs.

We are waiting to see if the thaw really does come tomorrow........either way I think I will be able to get down the drive and out for a trot this week end....hopefully.....

Thursday, 24 January 2013

24th January.

We are bored with snow now! Still no more has fallen and there is more drip dripping off the roof today so it may be on it's way now. It would be nice to be able to get out for a trot with the cart at the weekend since I have not been out for the last 2 weekends and have new shoes now!

I thought I would help Simon tidy my stable this morning....but apparently picking the broom up in your mouth by the bristles and swinging it around isn't helping. It was funny though!

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

23rd January.

Not only is it still snowy, it has snowed more and it is still snowing. This is not good. We are all staying in today because it is now a but muddy under the snow because the ground is not frozen anymore. Also Andy is coming today and he probably won't want to shoe wet, muddy, snowy horses!

When the snow melts there is going to be some very wet mud......

22nd January

It is still cold and snowy! I have had a different field to play in today with fresh snow and no foot prints ... well ... there weren't ... there are now obviously. I think Simon may need to go straw shopping at the weekend the straw shed is looking a bit empty now.

The new thing for doing my musings shows how many people read them. There is a lot of you! It is good to know I am not talking to myself.

Monday, 21 January 2013

21st January

It is still cold and snowy. We have all gone out with 2 rugs each. We have plenty of hay because the grass is still hiding under the snow. Simon noticed that rolling in the snow had cleaned all the mud of my today I have a different, muddy, rug on so that I can clean this one too!

Friday, 18 January 2013

18th January

There was not much snow last night.....but it is snowing quite hard now. We are staying in our stables for now, but will probably go out to play when there is more snow!  We could have a snowball fight  but I think you need fingers and thumbs to make snowballs. I will have to settle for digging in it and rolling in it....but  not until a bit more has fallen....

Thursday, 17 January 2013

17th January

It is really cold again! No mud, it is frozen as hard as concrete. No fog either which is good. I am wearing 2 rugs though on account of a short haircut! you may have noticed an improvement in spelling....the new thing Simon is using for my musings has a spelling checker! It's going to very busy with its red lines!!!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

16th January

It cold! Very cold. the mud is frozen so we have all gone out to play! We have hay because the grass is all frozen. We also have freezing fog. Hopefully it will not become frozen fog.....this will probably be a bit frozen water....and a bit hard to walk about in I think.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

15th January.

No snow today. Or frost which was a surprise. No moon either so very very dark this morning.

The snow melting has made the fields very wet so we have had to stay in our stables again! I have neveer known having to spend so many days in a stable in one winter! Roll on spring.

Simon said my stable was untidy this morning. I don't know what he is is full of tidy does he think I can keep it???

Monday, 14 January 2013

14th January.

It has snowed. We have all gone out to play in it! Phoenix got over excited, and was told off! I have rolled in the snow, it is less messy than mud! I have plenty of hay but I am keeping busy looking for the grass, the snow is not that deep so it is not too hard to find. I don't think we will be out too long, our stables are all ready already!

No trot out this weekend because there is a hole and some particularly inconvenient traffic lights at the end of the drive. Shame! I had  a good brush and tidy up though.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

10th January

Good morning to all of you that have found me.....

It is a bit gloomy this morning! It is also much colder. Simon says that the weather man has mentioned snow. we don't like snow. the grass hides underneath it which makes grazing hard work!

It is staying lighter longer in the afternoons now, but not getting lighter earlier in the morning  i can see my tea, but breakfast is still done by nose alone!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

9th January.

I am here! Same old me but in a new place! simon has worked out how to use the new whatever it is that he is using we'll be back in all our glory, well mud in my case at the moment! Keep watching!