Tuesday, 29 October 2013

29th October.

The wind has stopped blowing!

It was not so bad here, nothing fell over or blew away. Everything had been tied down, taken down or put away at the farm as a precaution. Including me, and the guinea pigs! Put away, not tied down obviously.

It is now dark at tea time. We have to go in our stables at night at the moment because bonfire night is getting closer and some persons will be indulging in fire works. They don't bother me much but the others don't really like them.

I have something called BEDSOFT to sleep on. You can't eat it. I had some last year but Simon said I would have to have straw this year because it was a bit expensive. However you can eat straw. So I did. I ate quite a lot.....so Simon decided BEDSOFT was probably cheaper after all......

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

23rd October.

It rained a lot last night. And thundered, and there was lightning. We were all in our stables. The fields are a bit squelchy this morning, but the sun is shining now.

I think the Queen's horses might be having a trot out in their cart today! I wonder if they have been rolling in the mud too....could be a long job getting them clean if they have!  They will enjoy their outing I'm sure, I hope it doesn't rain on them. Or will the Queen just travel by car?....it might be a bit windy for her hat!

Monday, 21 October 2013

21st October.

It is raining. I am very wet. I did spend the night in my stable though. And my rug did spend the night somewhere that made it dry, but it is et again now! I think it may be a wet week too.

The weekend wasn't all bad weatherwise though. I had a haircut on Saturday and then went for a good long trot out with the cart. This was followed by a bath, with shampoo and a lot of scrubbing. The state of cleanliness was a bit temporary though!

The clocks apparently "go back " next weekend. I have got a clock so it doesn't really matter....though Simon says this means I will be able to see my breakfast for a few weeks. If it keeps raining it won't matter, I have my breakfast in my stable where there is a light!!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

17th October

I had a visit from Tim the Vee Eee Tee yesterday. Only to have my teeth done. This is a bit undignified. Painless but undignified...worse than having to stand with one foot in the air for Andy. Still it could have been worse..... he didn't stick any needles in to me. Others were less lucky!

It is not raining today. Which is nice. It was a bit wild yesterday. It got better as the day went on though and I didn't have to go in my stable last night. Everyone else did....in their own obviously not mine.....that would have been a bit of a squeeze..

I will go now and top up the layer of mud on my face!

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

15th October

It didn't last.....I am very muddy now. It is in my ears, in my eyes, up my nose and there is a line where my rug goes and then I am clean! Simon was less surprised by this than the unusually clean state of affairs yesterday.

It has stopped raining now and is quite bright, but a bit chilly!

I might well have another roll in the mud today.

Monday, 14 October 2013

14th October.

It is raining! It has been doing it since Saturday night. We have all had to go in our stables at night. Which is nice enough. It makes a change.

I did get out for a trot on Saturday before the rain came though. Not down Mill Street. the big holes are gone, but the fun fair was in the market place.

Because it has rained, there is mud. Yesterday I spent all day NOT rolling in it. Really not, not the usual "not". Simon was a bit surprised!

Thursday, 10 October 2013

10th October

It is definately colder this morning! It is sunny now though and the clear sky meant is was less dark at breakfast time too. Neither Simon nor my breakfast got lost today!

Leaves are falling off the trees now too. I did ask Simon if sweeping up the leaves in my field was a possibility...he said he would get me broom!

Overseas readers please note.....there is now a "Translate" button at the foot of this page. This is good because it will save me learning lots of languages!!!

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

9th October

It was REALLY dark this morning. It was so dark tha tSimon got lost. He fed Summer and Phoenix and then set off in the wrong direction with my breakfast. This was worrying. He did realise he was going the wrong way otherwise my breakfast couild have ended up anywhere!

It is a little cooler and the weather man says it is going to get much colder. Like-winter colder. Bbbbrrrrr.

Monday, 7 October 2013

7th October

It is very autumnal. At breakfast time it was very dark, I was still asleep, the tawney owls were towit-too-wooing, the barn owl was squeaking and there was mist in the tops of the lime trees. Then just as it got "light" there was mist everywhere! It has cleared now though. It is quite sunny!

All that said, the leaves are not only still on the trees but quite green still.

I will go now and eat grass and make the most of not having to look for it under leaves........

Friday, 4 October 2013

4th October

It didn't rain as much last night as we all thought. Still, we all had a nice night in our stables anyway.  It not raining much does mean there is not  much in the way of mud. Which I had sort of been looking forward to  rolling in! Perhaps It could rain in one corner of my field...just to make a little bit of mud...but not every where....that would keep everyone happy!

The weekend is approaching so I am looking forward a trot out in the cart with my new shoes. Some persons have dug holes in Mill Street so we won't be able to go up or down there!

Thursday, 3 October 2013

3rd October

It is once again a bit grey and gloomy. And I think we are going to get a bit wet later...maybe we will go in our stables...

Andy came yesterday with new shoes for me and for Max. Max found this all quite exciting! I am sure the novelty will wear off.

Simon has tidied up the yard with the strimmer....well....actually he UNTIDIED the yard with the strimmer because there were bits of nettle, dock and grass everywhere when he had finished. THEN he tidied up the yard with a brooooom ( maybe too many o's). He'll learn.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

1st October

Ha ha! 2 days running! No one will have been expecting this.....

It is a bit gloomy but dry. It is October...so definately Autumn now. In spite of this, and a dryish summer, the leaves are doing a good job of sticking to the trees! It won't be long before we have to look for the grass under them I think.

Silver and Max have their pictures in what Simon calls "Rogues Gallery". I don't know what a rogue is, it doesn't sound like a compliment, but then I'm not it it so I don't mind!!!