Friday 26 April 2013

26th April.

A special  "Goeie môre" to readers in South Africa (I am a multilingual horse!).

The weather is settling down to be seasonally unsettled. But this is good. Sunshine and showers are what we expect in April. The grass is growing, looks greener and tastes much better! The rain over night has made the dust just sticky enough to stick when you roll in it too. So all is well.

Except that I don't think Simon has mended the puncture yet....come on...get on with it!

Wednesday 24 April 2013

24th April

Spring does seem to have sprung. This could be may be unsprung again at the weekend...we'll see....

For now though it is warm and it is fly sheets all round, it might be a bit too soon to put away th big heavy rugs!

We have a puncture in the is the first one for years.....fix before the weekend Simon.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

17th April

It is a bit gloomy this morning. But it was a bit gloomy some of the time yesterday. Most of yesterday was quite pleasant there is hope for today. It is definitely warmer and this means lighter rugs or no rugs at all which is nice after having big heavy ones on so much over the (loooong) winter!

Tuesday 16 April 2013

16th April.

It is a bit showery this morning, but this is April weather, so nobody minds. Sunshine and showers is good grass growing weather too. Though not so good for people, who seem to prefer to mow the grass rather than eat it. Quite eccentric behaviour.

There are quite a few readers of  my Musings in Russia....I don't really know where this is.....too far away to get to with the cart I think, but доброе утро ( and ржание) to you all!

Monday 15 April 2013

15th April.

The sun is shining today. The grass is growing is greener and tastes much better! Simon says the sap  is rising in the trees too......but I don't eat trees so I can't confirm this.

I had a good trot out in the cart yesterday, it was most enjoyable! However something needs to be done about the state of the roads in Wantage...there are so many potholes that we can't trot straight down many roads! We have to wiggle in and out between all the holes......some of them look quite deep...I wouldn't want to fall in!

Friday 12 April 2013

12th April.

The weather today is at least April-like. The sun is shining and it is raining, often at the same time. The fields are now a bit muddy again, having gone seamlessly from frozen to dusty. The weather is a bit odd...but it is nice to see a little bit of mud. Not that I am looking at it much....rolling in it is a far better use of it. Simon may not agree.

Friday 5 April 2013

5th April.

It is sunny this morning. The wind is still cold though!

I had a visit from the vee eee tee yesterday, to stick a needle in me. Not pleasent.

The weekend is nearly here already, I am ready for a trot out in the cart!

4th April.

It is snowing again this afternoon and the wind is very, very cold. This is not the weather for making the grass grow. Simon has harrowed and rolled the paddocks we have used over the winter. In less than 2 weeks they have gone from hock (ankle) deep in mud to dry and dusty!